WARNING: Most women may find this article disturbing and offensive. If you prefer mental peace over truth, this piece is not for you; and if you do chose to read it, do so till the end of this article. Thats a humble request.

Lets compete in misery, shall we?
While it is easily acknowledged that females face more sexual abuse than males, Let me tell you, worldwide more than 10% rape victims are males. Theres been always a sizable share of false rape cases and with tougher rape laws that favor females, there is a tremendous rise in it. In Gurgaon alone, Live-in relationships, failed, account for 21.6% of rape complaints. I leave it to the readers' imagination to calculate an approximate percentage, accounting for the other false definitions of rape and other reasons for false cases. More males suffer from child sexual abuse as compared to females (52% boys and 47% girls). So, Males not only suffer sexual abuse, but also false allegations of sexual abuse. Do females suffer the latter?
While it is easily acknowledged that females face more sexual abuse than males, Let me tell you, worldwide more than 10% rape victims are males. Theres been always a sizable share of false rape cases and with tougher rape laws that favor females, there is a tremendous rise in it. In Gurgaon alone, Live-in relationships, failed, account for 21.6% of rape complaints. I leave it to the readers' imagination to calculate an approximate percentage, accounting for the other false definitions of rape and other reasons for false cases. More males suffer from child sexual abuse as compared to females (52% boys and 47% girls). So, Males not only suffer sexual abuse, but also false allegations of sexual abuse. Do females suffer the latter?
The anti dowry law, article 498A has been misused by several women. every 9 minutes a married male commits suicide in India which is almost double as compared to females. Also, remember all those Farmers and businessmen that committed suicide due to economic problems? They were Men.
Men are expected not to share their problems because it is 'unmanly'. If a man goes around telling about abuse and physical violence from wife, people around will laugh at him and tell him to be a man. These ignorant people think, women can never physically or emotionally abuse men. Our society has reached to a point where every male, even before he steps into adulthood, is starved for even an emotional touch. No! if you are a man, you may not hold hands with a female nor hug her. Females may get emotional, even cry and score brownie points for it; a male does it and he gets the title 'Pansy'. Males are forced to abandon their emotions, and when the same is done, the complain is that he is too unemotional.
Money generally decides if his proposal to a girl may be accepted or rejected. In India, for a girl, no career generally means an early marriage; for a man, it means a life of insults, neglect and loneliness.
Money generally decides if his proposal to a girl may be accepted or rejected. In India, for a girl, no career generally means an early marriage; for a man, it means a life of insults, neglect and loneliness.
While Males stand in protests against violence and other crimes against women, our society lives in a constant denial about Male rapes, child sex abuse and other male issues. Why otherwise there would only be a National commission for Women, and none for Men? There are enough banners, posters and ads talking about 'Real men', Its high time we start talking about 'A Real Lady'. Media with its unhealthy obsession with news that catch eyeballs, have successfully spread a Female Rape and sexual abuse pandemic in India, while keeping mum on male issues, and so making people believe that only females suffer and only men commit crimes.
It would be a relief, if instead of females, it were males to suffer infanticide. Its much better not to be born than to live a life of misery and yet be labelled an animal.
It would be a relief, if instead of females, it were males to suffer infanticide. Its much better not to be born than to live a life of misery and yet be labelled an animal.
Didn't we start out demanding gender equality? Then why, in process of empowering one gender are were heading towards suppressing the other?
On this Women's Day, I request Ladies everywhere to show their support for the men in their life - their Father, brothers, friends and ofcourse Boyfriend/Husband. Japan is already facing a huge gender rift; majority of its population prefers to stay single (61% of single men aged 18-34 have no girlfriend; 49% of women unattached). Lets not allow this to happen in India too. Men and Women are like lock and key, without one the other shall lose its purpose. While we demand Men to respect Women, Let us not forget to ensure the same the other way round.
Happy Women's Day
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