Monday, 31 March 2014

Using Navratri as an opportunity for personal development

We all know Navratri is a 9 day long festival that celebrates different manifestations of the Divine femininity. But, besides its spiritual significance, these auspicious  9 days can also be used for personal development. How? Read on, to find out. 

Let us begin with knowing a little about Navratri. There are 4 Navratri in a year, 2 that we know of, are also called 'Pratyaksh'(प्रत्यक्ष) Navratri, while the other 2 are called 'Gupt' (गुप्त=secret) Navratri, Marked in blue in the figure below.
*correction, VASANT Navratri and not 'Vasat'.
It, thus can be seen that the 4 Navratri occur at regular intervals of 3 months, dividing a year into 4 quarters. These 4 Navratri can be considered as 'Check-points'. Here's how to use these 'check points' -  

Making Resolutions : We all make New-year resolutions every 1st January, most of which don't last long, and only the most strongly followed ones survive for a month or two. Instead of feeling disheartened by the fate of these resolutions, how about giving ourselves more chances to make resolutions and then trying our best to follow them through? How about taking each Navratri as an opportunity for jotting down a list of new habits you might want to inculcate and the ones that you want to quit, of goals that you want to achieve and places you want to go.

Its is interesting to note that the gupt Navratri of Paush/Magh falls around New year. So, New year resolutions are already in place. Right? Also, Vasant Navratri (Also known as Chaitri Navratri) that starts with the Hindu New year celebrations as Ugadi or Gudi Padwa, almost coincides with Financial New year. How about doing your taxes and taking care of your investments before this Navratri? 

The 4 Navratri can be used as check points that are spread 3 months apart, to list Goals, weigh options, review progress, make necessary changes, device new strategies and put our priorities in order, thus improving our chances of Success.

Health : Most Hindus fast during the two Pratyaksh Navratri. Some fast for all 9 days, some just on the 1st and the last day and some don't at all. There is no compulsion, as such. Also, it should be noted that 'fasting' is NOT starving. In fact, fasting helps us to control and reform our eating habits and presents an excellent opportunity to detoxify our body. Fasting when coupled with Lemon therapy and Water Therapy, in addition to detoxification, can do wonders for those who wish to shed a few extra pounds. Also, since every Navratri occurs at the onset of a new season, fasting during this time can help one's body to adjust to the seasonal changes.

In addition to its strictly physical effects, fasting can also serve as a powerful workout for one's will power. Resisting body's cravings for food and taste, conditions mind's control over body. Aren't most of the disorders that the modern generation faces, an outcome of unrestrained gratification of the senses

Another advantage that I found, from personal experience, is that when while fasting one takes simple meals consisting of fruits and dairy products, enough for a healthy body, it leaves one with extra time for other things. It may not seem much while you read about it, but I'm sure will agree with experience. 

Let us try and begin to see beyond the usual portrayal of India's rich cultural heritage and find the hidden wisdom of our forefathers in our customs, traditions and rituals. 

Monday, 24 March 2014

How the previous generation of Hindus messed up the current ones.

No this is not just about religion, but cultural heritage and Pride. Those who lack patience may skip the first two paragraphs.

While growing up, I was fascinated with the stories of Hindu gods and goddesses. Most of them were narrated by my grand parents to me at night. They were like short fairy tales, with a moral. Also, had B.R. Chopra not made Mahabharat and Ramanand Sagar, Ramayan, my knowledge about these epics would have been very limited. The Shiv Lingam, for me, was a symbol of Mahadev, but I had no clue about the reasons or story behind it. No elder could give me a satisfactory explanation about it. The term 'Hindu Mythology' pushed me to believe that all the stories that I heard and read were only myths, designed to give us moral lessons. Learning Darvin's theory of Evolution, only strengthened this view. A heavy load of textbooks during school and college made it difficult to find time for reading heavy philosophy of Vedas and Upnishads. Numerous Movies and News about Dhongi-Babas pushed me further away from my own religion. The cast discrimination pushed me further away. My doubts and questions seldom found satisfactory answers by elders; for they never questioned their elders out of respect. At some point, religion for me, became an unscientific and irrational belief. And so, I subscribed to Atheism. I am sure, many will relate to this. 

I remained an Atheist for quite sometime, but the questions still haunted me. By now, reading 'Liberal' writers, I found out that Shiv Lingam was a Phallic symbol. Still not convinced, in search of answers, I started reading and reflecting. It was at this very juncture, that I found the beauty of the religion that I was born with. Even as a non-believer, the philosophy of Vedas and Upnishads had an appeal. Soon new discoveries started linking myths with reality. And so, the circle of belief, for me, was complete; my belief was back, only stronger. I found the real meaning of Shiva Lingam and its story; It is a symbol representing infinite pillar of light that was created by Mahadev.

So, why do I blame the previous generations? 
Because they did not question their elders. If they did, they could have been able to answer the questions of the younger ones. The ones that were fascinated by the modern scientific advancements, abandoned their rich Ancient wisdom. In their enthusiasm for modern western education, they left behind Hindu history as myths.  The devout ones gave up rational explanations and subscribed to blind faith and followed rituals without even trying to find the real meanings behind them. Religion for them was synonymous with rituals. The upstarts in their attempts to sound modern and liberal, went on to criticise scriptures without even reading and understanding them. In their quest for a good salary, they forgot to feed their minds. Their dismissal turned into our loss, their assertions became our burdens. The previous generations, in general, were divided into two extremes - The blind believers and the Liberal atheists; And both encouraged modern education, neglecting Hindu Science, philosophy and history. They held on to the pride of their casts but gave up their duties dictated by the caste system. (no, I'm not advocating caste system. all I'm saying is why just drop the duties and keep the caste pride? abandon both!)
The previous generations created a void, which now is being exploited by missionaries and mullahs to convert young Hindus. Cinema too never misses a chance to capitalise on such vulnerability. The previous generation was blessed with Movies like 'Guide', while we are misguided by the likes of 'Oh my God'. While the common Hindu youth is still confused with numerous versions of 'mythological' stories, opportunists like Amish Tripathi, an atheist, pens down novels like 'Immortals of Meluha' using Shiva and other gods for characters in his second rate fictional story with a language that lacks luster. The Leftists and Liberals, in their arrogance, do not care for this rich heritage and not only support likes of Wendy Doniger in the name of 'freedom of speech' but also try to twist the facts. Painters like M. F. Hussain lack balls to draw nudes relating to his own religion, yet find fame with disturbing paintings of Hindu Gods and Goddesses. 

Textbooks in schools sing praises of Gandhis and Nehrus, but mention very little about Maharana Pratap, Shivaji and Hemchandra Vikramaditya. Bappa Raval doesnt find even a small mention. We are taught Algebra, Pythagora's theorem, Value of Pi etc. and told that their discovery has foreign roots. The reality is, Indians knew it all when the west was still dwelling in caves.The previous generation quietly allowed the Government to rob us of our Hindu Pride. 

Had it not been for the likes of Sri Sri Ravishankar, Dr Chandraprakash Dwivedi, Swami Vivekanand, ISKCON, Gayatri Parivar and Arya Samaj, the Hindu society would have either fallen back into dark ages and its superstitions or transformed into radical Atheists. Had it not been for westerners like Allen Watts, we would have only seen a crooked western view of our culture and philosophy.

Though the generation before ours dismissed the existance of Raam-Setu, Dwarika (Krishna's city) and River Saraswati, the generation before them had a firm belief on these matters, but had no proof. Our generation though has proof, but is confused. Its like we have pieces of a jigsaw puzzle but have no idea how the original picture was, to begin with.

Cut the branches, yet the tree will survive. Sever its roots, soon it will die. 
will our generation be able to get back to our roots? 
Who knows. Theres always hope. 

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Veena Malik trends on twitter

Are you shocked to read Veena Malik's Tweet "India sucks"? frankly, I am not. Though I would have preferred her say, "Indians suck", but then again, with the kind of intelligence she displayed while speaking about 26th January in a small interview a while back, we should keep our expectations to minimum. 
Why did she say so? Looking at her TL, it was evident that news about molestation of a German student had upset her. Every such case is indeed upsetting! But then if in this case, 'India Sucks', what about her own motherland, Pakistan?
Indians atleast have learnt to be vocal about this problem and have even come out on streets demanding justice and safety for women. For a Nation that ranks number 1 in internet porn searches, worldwide, It wasn't difficult to find articles about Pakistan's Rape problem. The hypocrisy is, Pakistan also ranks number 1 in homophobia and tops gay-porn searches at the same time! Ill refrain myself from comparing the two Nations in their treatment of Rape cases, but a sensible reader can guess the outcome. Curious readers may read this article : Pakistan also has a rape problem

Having said all this, the big question is, will Veena Malik dare to use the same word for Pakistan that she used with India? I doubt, and yet I agree with her if she means 'Indians suck'.

Why do we Indians suck?
We welcome Pakistani artists like Veena malik and watch them on Big and small screens. The career that had no future back home suddenly finds name, fame & success...and in return, this is what we get!

Yes we Indians suck, for the simple reason that we welcome ungrateful fucks like Veena Malik and give them a celebrity status!

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Let us hang Modi

I am not loyal to any party but to reason, and for that reason my loyalties keep shifting, leaving only one thing for certain - show me injustice and I shall join any and every protest against it. And hence today I try to distance myself from Modi!

But, before we go ahead and discuss more about Modi, here is a small exercise for the readers. Irrespective of our Faith and ideology, we all have atleast one person that we love the most. Right? I want you to think of that person. Done? 

now scroll down

Have you really thought of THE person?

No cheating please...

is it your Father?

or your Mother?

Or one of your Grand Parents?

Or your spouse/Boyfriend/Girlfriend?

or your Kids?

Or simply a special friend?

Now Imagine that, 
you see that person off at train station one day and the next day you see on news that the train that person was on was burnt. You frantically try to connect with that person but you fail. You try every means possible only to find that that person was one of the victims of the arson and that He/She too was burnt alive, locked inside the train coach. 

I'm sure you'd want to  harm me for making you to go through this mental torture. My apologies, but if just the thought of this whole incidence fills one with anguish and rage, what must the grief be of those who lost their loved ones in Sabarmati express

Let us, to this pain add the memory of the exodus and genocide of Kashmiri Pundits and the fact that it was totally ignored as if it never happened and the fear that it may again happen to any other state of India, to a place where you and your family resides. 

Post Godhra riots, the impression is that only Muslims lost their loved ones and that the number was in thousands. Here is the truth - 790 muslims and 254 Hindus died in the riots. Now lets do the Maths - 
790 + (254+58) = 1102 (58 victims of Sabarmati Express)
28.31 % Hindu and 71.69% Muslim victims. 

My heart breaks to even imagine how it would have felt to go through such perilous times, for every Muslim, for every Hindu...for every Human being!
But, no matter how gross it was to do the math of dead bodies, it helps us see how easily the 28% were totally ignored and forgotten. It shows us the bitter truth about the Secularism of our Media and elite liberals that choose to ignore the tears of the Majority. 

Post 2002 there has not been a single case of riots in Gujrat. Had there been one, the media would have hounded Modi. Some would say that this peace only exists due to fear. To every reader, regardless of Her/His faith/religion/background, I ask, will you prefer to lose you loved ones and your property destroyed or peace, even if it exists due to fear? I would, without hesitation, chose peace. 

Still, lets hang Modi
but for what reason? For riots or for not being able to stop the riots?
Clearly, the trigger for the riots was Sabarmati Express. Hence lets hang him for not being able to stop the riots. Right?
Let us ignore Supreme Court's verdict. Who cares what the apex court of our Nation says. We shall stick to what media, Politicians and elite leftists and liberals wants us to believe.

But, in this clip, in front of his bitter rivals, Digvijay Singh and Fahrooq Abdulah, he reveals when the riots broke out, the Gujrat govt. sent fax to the neighboring states Chattisgarh, Maharshatra and Madhya Pradesh to send help for riot control. The request was denied. Wouldnt his arguments be thrashed by these two if they could? Even with the limited Police force, the riots were brought under control in 3 days. Assam riots continued for 3 months and the '84 riots in 3 days claimed over 8000 lives. Do I need to give statistics for genocide of Kashimiri Pundits? Shouldn't we demand the same for the culprits in these cases too? or is it that Hindus and Sikhs are better off dead?

I have heard some conspiracy theorists saying that the Sabarmati Express incident was pre-planned by BJP-RSS. Now, thats a new angle. Here is another one - what if it really was pre-planned and those that planned it made it look like it was pre-planned by the 'Saffron terrorists'? If we were to stick to a conspiracy theory, which one should we stick to? Obviously, the one that has been repeated over and over again. After all, whatever is repeated several times, ultimately becomes the truth. No? 

Let us overlook the praises for Modi by Maulana Ghulam Vastanvi, at the cost of his post of Deoband's rector and Maulana Mahmood Madani, general secretary of Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind. These Maulanas obviously know shit about Godhra as compared to Arundhati Roy. Right?

Let us forsake all reasons and believe what we are made to believe, let us cease to think and let our religious beliefs take over our logic. Let us hang Modi! For if we dont, chances are, there wont be any riots anymore in the country and hence no other political party will get any chance to fan religious and communal sentiments of the downtrodden 'Aam Juntaa' for their petty gains. 

Saturday, 8 March 2014

Please, let there be Male infanticide

WARNING: Most women may find this article disturbing and offensive. If you prefer mental peace over truth, this piece is not for you; and if you do chose to read it, do so till the end of this article. Thats a humble request.  

I'll bet you'd agree that problems that women face in our society immensely outmatch male problems and hence no one talks about the latter. Right? Think again.

Lets compete in misery, shall we?
While it is easily acknowledged that females face more sexual abuse than males, Let me tell you, worldwide more than 10% rape victims are males. Theres been always a sizable share of false rape cases and with tougher rape laws that favor females, there is a tremendous rise in it In Gurgaon alone, Live-in relationships, failed, account for 21.6% of rape complaints. I leave it to the readers' imagination to calculate an approximate percentage, accounting for the other false definitions of rape and other reasons for false cases. 
More males suffer from child sexual abuse as compared to females (52% boys and 47% girls). So, Males not only suffer sexual abuse, but also false allegations of sexual abuse. Do females suffer the latter?

The anti dowry law, article 498A has been misused by several womenevery 9 minutes a married male commits suicide in India which is almost double as compared to females. Also, remember all those Farmers and businessmen that committed suicide due to economic problems? They were Men. 

Men are expected not to share their problems because it is 'unmanly'. If a man goes around telling about abuse and physical violence from wife, people around will laugh at him and tell him to be a man. These ignorant people think, women can never physically or emotionally abuse men. Our society has reached to a point where every male, even before he steps into adulthood, is starved for even an emotional touch. No! if you are a man, you may not hold hands with a female nor hug her. Females may get emotional, even cry and score brownie points for it; a male does it and he gets the title 'Pansy'. Males are forced to abandon their emotions, and when the same is done, the complain is that he is too unemotional.

Money generally decides if his proposal to a girl may be accepted or rejected. In India, for a girl, no career generally means an early marriage; for a man, it means a life of insults, neglect and loneliness.

While Males stand in protests against violence and other crimes against women, our society lives in a constant denial about Male rapes, child sex abuse and other male issues. Why otherwise there would only be a National commission for Women, and none for Men? There are enough banners, posters and ads talking about 'Real men', Its high time we start talking about 'A Real Lady'. Media with its unhealthy obsession with news that catch eyeballs, have successfully spread a Female Rape and sexual abuse pandemic in India, while keeping mum on male issues, and so making people believe that only females suffer and only men commit crimes.

It would be a relief, if instead of females, it were males to suffer infanticide. Its much better not to be born than to live a life of misery and yet be labelled an animal. 

Didn't we start out demanding gender equality? Then why, in process of empowering one gender are were heading towards suppressing the other?

On this Women's Day, I request Ladies everywhere to show their support for the men in their life - their Father, brothers, friends and ofcourse Boyfriend/Husband. Japan is already facing a huge gender rift; majority of its population prefers to stay single (61% of single men aged 18-34 have no girlfriend; 49% of women unattached). Lets not allow this to happen in India too. Men and Women are like lock and key, without one the other shall lose its purpose. While we demand Men to respect Women, Let us not forget to ensure the same the other way round.

Happy Women's Day

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Manish Tewari and Congress' silent revolution

After election commission's declaration of dates for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Just a few moments ago, I saw Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari giving his statement in Hindi saying -
"The 2014 elections are going to be fought between two ideologies. On one hand there is a party that has given sacrifices for the nation and its freedom, while on the other hand there is this party with a very narrow psyche and that believes in dividing people."...he further added,"Congress has brought a silent revolution in the country."

With that statement, I know, he was referring to Maun-Mohan Singh; And I couldnt agree more on this with Mr. Tewari. But how does the Congress party become a party that gave sacrifices for the nation? Was he talking about Nehru-Gandhi family's assassinated members? or was he referring to India's freedom struggle? In either scenarios, the claim is ridiculous. 

Did Congress, as Manish Tewari claims, sacrificed for India's freedom struggle? No! The Indian National Congress that fought for India's freedom was led by Mahatma Gandhi, and it was Mahatma Gandhi himself who wanted this party to be dissolved after India won its freedom. Also, to say India won its freedom only due to the efforts of INC will be a gross mistake, neglecting innumerable sacrifices of the brave revolutionaries and those Martyrs that did not agree with congress' ideology.

If Manish Tewari was referring to assassinations of Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi...firstly, he is reiteration what Rahul Gandhi has been saying all along. Though I sympathise with him, their 'sacrifices' do not give their progeny the right to rule the nation. Especially, when the aspirant has no administrative experience and an IQ that has been laughed upon. Also, when did the Nehru-Gandhi family become the Party? My bad. We are talking about Congress here, which obviously is run by 'the family'. Secondly, let me remind the readers, it was the same Indira Gandhi that imposed emergency on the nation. She was only a step away from becoming a Dictator! (and by saying that, I'm not trying to justify her assassination.) Also, it does not suit to absolve Rajiv Gandhi of '84 anti-Sikh riots that claimed over 8,000 lives, while they keep hounding Narendra Modi for 2002 that were promptly controlled in 3 days time, but sadly with a loss of 1,044 lives (790 muslims and 254 Hindus). I hate to recall Rajiv Gandhi's famous words, "When a giant tree falls, the Earth shakes."

At best, Mr. Manish Tewari, the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections can be described as Dynasty Vs Development. Everything else is only votebank politics. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

An open letter on Aamir Khan's 'Fractured' reasoning

While the prices of everyday commodities have sky-rocketed and the economic growth of the nation itself is 'Fractured', Aamir Khan favors a fractured verdict in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections. In his words,
"It's not fair to give mandate to single political party in the upcoming polls."
Then, what is fare? letting people starve due to increasing inflation? People dying in bomb blasts and other terrorist activities? Deserving candidates being denied college seats due to quota system and adding more seats and categories based on religion into this system? Our soldiers being beheaded and their bodies being mutilated? Locals being driven out from their own homes by the Bangladeshi refugees in Assam? or ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri Pundits? Attempts to pass a communal law such as 'Anti-Communal violence bill' in the name of secularism? Women being openly molested in streets in wide daylight? Neighboring countries trying to snatch our lands? dividing the Nation in the name of religion, region and casts? Unemployment? Corruption or screwing with taxpayer's hard earned money on unnecessary subsidies and scams?

A well informed citizen of this Nation knows well that whenever people's verdict helped the Third front to come into power, the Government has never been able to take tough decisions.  every decision is delayed, every interest of the Nation is compromised for regional gains of the constituent parties. Even in the current scenario, its one coalition against the other - UPA against NDA. So, in reality, there is no 'One Party' thats going to contest elections. This is a time when the Nation needs a stable government and strong leadership that can lead the Nation out from the current crisis and address issues that concern us all. Sadly, none of these requirements can be met by the Third front. 

Why was Aamir Khan mum till now? What makes him voice his opinion just a few months before Nation goes for elections? Going by his past publicity stunts, its evident that Amir Khan only speaks now, to promote his show - 'Satyamev Jayate'.

Mr Aamir Khan,
'Humko hae desh ki fikar' - We care for the Nation...Seriously? you want us to believe that? I would have believed your intentions and these words had you not charged a hefty sum for doing this show or atleast donated a good chunk of your own personal earnings for issues that you raise in your show. Sharing stage with victims and heroes and shedding crocodile tears doesn't count for shit! You are a brilliant actor and I'm a fan of your acting skills; and exactly for that reason, everytime you cried on the show, it was difficult to believe that it was real. I have seen you in news, cutting people's hair and your other publicity stunts to get audience for your movies. Its not uncommon for actors these days to use people's emotions and issues to promote their movies. But there is a line that must not be crossed - Do not try to bake your bread on pyres. Thats an art best left to News media and dirty Politicians. You Sir, have crossed this line. I would have respected your freedom of expression had this comment of yours come not at such an opportune moment for the promotion of your show. You have successfully caught eyeballs for your show with this gimmick, but lost respect in the eyes of one your fans. I'm sure, compared to crores gained from the show, this isnt a loss at all. Even if I were to believe that your intentions were true, Mr. Aamir Khan, your view, at best, is myopic. 

Fuck you and fuck your show.
Up yours!  

NB: those who would say "atleast he is doing something", please find out how much he earns for every episode and then say the same.

Saturday, 1 March 2014

Movie review : Shaadi ke side (D)effects?

Though I'm yet unmarried, looking around at married couples, one thing I can say with surety is that it is not at all a piece of cake as shown in previous generation of Hindi movies. Its definitely a lot of hard work. Times have changed and so has the perspective of our society and hence the movies on marriages. The current generation of Hindi movies, as always, exaggerates the issue and tries to show marriages as an atrocious institution. Having said that, trust me when I say, no matter how atrocious Shaadi may seem, its nothing compared to the 3 hours of 'Shaadi ke side effects'. 

The atrocities commence right from the opening scene of the movie when Vidya Balan's bare back occupies the movie screen completely. Farhan Akhtar plays a music/jingle composer who is married to a modern working woman, Vidya Balan. Farhan Akhtar's role seemed to be still stuck in his teens where everything is a joke, even serious issues. Otherwise, why in order to understand the feelings of his pregnant wife, he'd need to tie a water balloon to his belly? A shallow, egocentric, yet-stuck-in-teenage man married to a know-it-all woman suddenly find themselves raising a daughter. The man is so pathetic in being a father and the woman is so perfect in playing mother that in one scene when the kid cries thrice, the hubby couldnt guess it right even once, but all the three times, she knows perfectly when the baby is feeling too hot, too cold and hungry. Made me wonder, was the woman really being portrayed a first-timer? I mean, I'm sure such prowess only comes with considerable experience. Another minor detail that kept bothering me was how did a not-so-well established jingle composer afford such a lavish apartment, car, bike, PG apartment, 15K salaried 'Aunty' and pay other bills? 
The first 20 to 30 minutes of the movie is filled with usual jokes and hence are bearable. Past 40 minutes in the hall, one knows She/She has made a mistake buying tickets for this movie; and past interval, one starts to ponder over the meaning of life. 

DO NOT take a scrumptious meal before watching 'Shaadi ke side effects'. There is good amount of 'Potty talk' in the movie. If in theater, you wouldn't want to puke on the person sitting in front or besides you. Now, would you?
The biggest (and worst) twist in the movie is at the end. No, I'm not going to spare you the agony by disclosing it here. If you want to know it, endure the pain. Songs seemed to be unnecessarily shoved in an already torturous mix. Throughout the movie, I kept wondering was the costume designer hired to make Vidya Balan look ugly? Also, a strange coincidence was that none of the female characters in the movie had even a hint of negative shade, but the two male characters that occupied most of the screen time, played by Farhan Aktar and Ram Kapoor, came out looking pathetic and much negative at times. A big name like Rati Agnihotri was onboard and yet her talent was not utilised at all. 
All in all, the whole affair ended with a headache. You may chose to go for this movie if you have some money and time to waste and are in mood to perform penance for the sins of your past lives. You may also chose to take others along for revenge. If there is a recent movie that comes close to Gunday, this is it! 
Rating: 2/10

Special thanks to #MissCoffeeAddict for the Meme ideas and making this movie experience bearable.