NB: Those who are pressed on time or low on patience, may chose to jump to the 'Summary'.
What was the Police doing before Somnath Bharti?
I saw Yogendra Yadav while defending Bharti mention about prior complains by the residents of Khirki Extention. The same is also mentioned in AAP's website. Even with Three written complains and numerous verbal complains about alleged illegal activities (including sale of Drugs), why was Police not doing their job? With ABP News' video of the residents supporting the same argument, there remains no doubt that the Police were knowingly turning a blind eye on the matter. It does not take a lot to figure out the reasons for the same. Now, does it?
Confirming the complaints by the residents:
While defending his actions and complaining about the inaction of the Police, Somnath Bharti mentioned that he had confirmed by sending a man in guise of a customer. Also, while they raided the place, the Nigerian girls were caught red handed.
No FIR, No Lady Police:
every video run on all the news channels against Somnath Bharti mentions that there was no FIR, and without an FIR no one can be arrested. Also, not a single Lady Police was spotted in any of the videos at the time of raid. This is exactly where Somnath Bharti lost the cause. Being a Lawyer himself, he should have known the procedures.
Urine sample on road? Molestation? Racist slurs?
There have been initial headlines about one of the African women being made to urinate in public. In the same article, its alleged that they were forced to give urine sample in public and later taken to hospital for examination and then allowed to return home. Isn't consistency missing here? Though the charges are grave, they keep changing from urinating on road to Providing urine Sample; which soon even escalated to charges of Molestation and hurling Racial slurs! Though I do not dare to speculate that the charges are totally false, Clearly there is exaggeration.
Threat to women's safety?
Somnath Bharti was soon summoned by the Delhi commission for Women on the charges of threatening women's safety. At this point it is interesting to note how quickly the women that were allegedly running a sex racket now had turned into innocent victims. One of the women even made Bharti sound like the notorious Ku Klux Klan (KKK) and reported,
"They said we should leave their country or else they would kill us one by one. Is being black a crime?" clearly, this statement was to get sympathy and thus escape the charges.
Even if motives of Somnath bharti are not questioned, his methods definitely bore disastrous consequences for himself and his party. Especially when the Nation is emotionally super sensitive with women's issues, the matter demanded a very delicate handling of the whole situation. Agreed that the Police did not take required action when the residents filed complaints; Bharti being a lawyer himself should have resorted to other legal means to get Police to file an Fir first. Nalin Kohli of BJP in a debate on Zee Business channel on the same issue pointed out that Bharti could have in this case got Police to file an FIR through a court or a Magistrate's directions. The least Bharti could have done was to carry out a sting and ensure that there were Lady Police during the raid. Instead Bharti along with the residents decided to carry out a witch hunt. Lets get a little Bollywood-ish and try to imagine the consequences if someone influential could get a mob to complain about a certain person to an MLA for personal vendetta?
On the other hand, while we debate about Bharti threatening safety of women charged with running Sex racket and drug paddling, shouldn't we dare ourselves to explore the consequences should the charges on the women prove to be true? How many pointing fingers on Bharti would really feel safe living with their family in a locality with a Brothel? Will any woman feel safe while even crossing such a place? Wouldn't this be again a threat to the resident women? Shouldn't we be pointing fingers at Delhi Police too?
Arvind Kejriwal defending Somnath Bharti demanded suspension of the Police Personnel involved. With his this demand, he went for a Dharna; which he couldn't have timed worse!
It all appeared that it was all just an ego clash between the Police and AAP. Also, the language being used by few of AAP's leaders add to the misery.
I do not question AAP's intentions, but I do doubt their caliber. More than serious leaders, they act like rebillios teenagers, who instead of trying to untie the Gordian knot, cut it into pieces. Time and again with their sloppy handling of matters have only strengthened my doubts on AAP's capability; but while we criticise AAP, let us try not be irrational.
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