Yatr natrastu pujyante
Ramante Tatr devatah
Gods reside where Women are respected.
The world celebrates Women's Day on 8th March - a day to remind ourselves how much we owe to the fairer sex, to acknowledge their part and celebrate life itself, for it begins in a Woman's womb. Cynics may argue differently, but with the alarming rate of Female Feoticide, Rapes and other crimes against Women, it becomes all the more important to stress the need to value and respect Women in society. While the west was yet going through the Dark ages and was busy with Witch-hunts, India witnessed strong women like Kaikeyi, Draupadi and Seeta, to name a few. Even Adi Shankaracharya was defeated in a debate by Ubhaya Bharti, a woman. Strong, independent and well educated women were'nt an aberration in the Vedic society. Somehow, the Legacy of that Vedic Bharat is lost and now we live in India with a capital where every two hours a rape is committed! For this situation to change, not only men but women too will need to change the way they conduct themselves and treat other women.
Having said that, I'd refrain from joining the Feminist Brigade.
Its tricky how extremism of any ideology can harm the very cause for which it stands...how mindless insistence of an Ideology can be manipulated against itself.
Why do I mention this? Its because, I was shocked sometime back at the silence of all those who claim to be Feminists while 'The Guardian' termed Aishwarya Rai's post natal weigh gain as 'National shame'! furthermore,

Objectification, tho may seem to be much harmless an evil than foeticides and rapes, but the latter ones are just physical expression of the former.
Lets see this day for what it should be seen as and not let it become another one of 'Hallmark Days'.
So, why should we celebrate Women's Day?
to remind us how we need to conduct ourselves for the next 364 days.
NB: I am a huge Aishwarya Rai fan and she looked absolutely gorgeous even with the extra pounds!